Teacher Recovery™

Teacher Recovery™ is the ultimate holistic health program designed to rejuvenate educators.

Unlike other wellness programs, Teacher Recovery™ recognizes the vital link between your physical and mental well-being. This innovative approach integrates personalized insights into both your physiology and psychology, empowering you to reclaim your vitality and thrive in your role.

Through instructional videos and interactive worksheets, Teacher Recovery™ equips you with practical tools to boost energy levels, combat fatigue, and reclaim your health. Recommendations are tailored to your unique professional experiences, ensuring strategies will work for you.

Say hello to a healthier, more energized you with Teacher Recovery™.

Course Objectives

You will learn:

  • why educators have unique health and wellness needs
  • which wellness strategies do and do not work for teachers
  • how to take action without adding to your busy teacher schedule
  • how to address health concerns with diet and supplements
  • how to build resilience with mind and body techniques
  • how to make simple changes for consistency and sustainability

Your Exclusive Access Includes:

Lifetime access to Teacher Recovery™ including updates

20% off supplement recommendations

Teacher Recovery™ Course Modules



Understand why teachers are dehydrated, the symptoms of dehydration, how much water you need, and how to properly hydrate as a classroom teacher


Energy & Fatigue

Understand the limitations of caffeine and sugar, the key strategies for sustaining energy, and how to overcome the afternoon teacher slump


Sleep Optimization

Understand the best practices for preparing for sleep, why conventional methods fail teachers, how to improve sleep hygiene as a teacher, and which supplements support sleep


Mind-Body Medicine

Understand the relationship between your gut and your brain, the methods for building physiological resilience to change mindset, and how nutritional status can affect the classroom stress response 


Stress Management

Understand how stress is a manifestation of what you value, how to redefine your teacher life to shift your mindset and manage the limitations of being a classroom teacher


Brain Support

Understand the relationship between psychology and physiology, how nutritional status can affect the stress response and vice versa, the nutrients needed for optimal neurotransmitter production



Understand the toxin burden in the classroom environment, how toxins disrupt physiological processes and hinder cognition, how the body processes toxins, and how to safely lessen the toxin load


Immune Support

Understand the basic science of immunology, which foods and supplements can support immune function, and how to support the body when antibiotics are prescribed


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What is Teacher Recovery™?

Teacher Recovery™ is a specialized digital course tailored for educators seeking effective strategies to reclaim their health and tackle both physical and mental burnout. The program offers actionable steps curated to meet the specific needs of teachers, providing comprehensive support for their well-being.

Where is Teacher Recovery™ delivered?

Teacher Recovery™ is delivered asynchronously online, allowing you to move through the course at your own pace and revisit modules as needed.

Who is Teacher Recovery™ for?

Teacher Recovery™ is for classroom teachers and school staff members aiming to regain control of their health and recover from burnout. Complex bioscience is deconstructed, enabling educators without advanced science degrees to make informed decisions about their health and pursue sustainable recovery strategies. Note: Teacher Recovery™ is not appropriate for children or pregnant women.

How is Teacher Recovery™ different from other health and wellness courses?

While most teacher wellness courses concentrate solely on mental health, Teacher Recovery™ is a one-of-a-kind program that tackles both the physiological and psychological aspects of burnout. Recognizing the distinctive professional experiences of educators, Teacher Recovery™ provides tailored actionable strategies to address their specific needs.


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